Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Wolf Returns

I finally had the pleasure of trancing my Master Mats again. This time with his permission. This time, he wanted and asked me for it. I am wary of him asking me this. Just the day before it wasn't what he wanted, and I felt I had pushed myself on him in trying to trance him. So one day to the next? It almost felt like a trap. I protested a little bit. But he convinced me it was ok, and he really wanted it. So despite my reservations, I gave in. I agreed to do it. I felt a momentary rush of emotion. Lately, seems I do things that have made my master at times, displeased with me. Those times have been distressing for me, that I can feel anxiety even now, being afraid to displease him again. The anxiety overwhelmed me. I had to calm myself first. Once I calmed myself, I was ready. Carefully, I began to trance him, all the while afraid to proceed. But as he relaxed, so did I. I calmed down. He let go, and went deep for me. Once he was deep, deep enough that I knew he would accept all my suggestions, I guided him through a full transformation, and made him the wolf he loves to be. He does have a trigger already to instantly transform him, but I did a detailed transformation so he could really enjoy feeling transformed. It felt good to do this for him. It felt even better to know he wanted it. And after, when he told me that he really loved it, it was the best feeling in the world.

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