Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Keeping Jennifer James on Her Knees

I started this blog with the pretense of writing about my experience and journey into submission. So I guess now is a good time to tell you how before last August, I wasn't every submissive at all. Nor was I also the obedient kind. Being tied down to anyone always made me feel antsy. Including the idea of staying in a relationship. I used to rebel against conformity. I was the kind of person who would or could just disappear for a bit. If there was something at home bothering me much, I could go on the longest walk in the middle of the night, on a long walk across town to be far away from what ever was bothering me. And other times, disappearing from people close to me, 2 years even, because I could. As far as obedience, I wasn't never really good at doing what I was told. That's why I made my own hours working in a office. Yes it was cocky of me, because I knew I was too good an asset to my employers for them to do anything about it. So fast forward to the present, and now I've opened myself to allowing myself to be tied down by the men I've come to call my masters, and letting it happen. It's my understanding that submission means your master is always on your mind, and the ideal image of being submissive is being on your knees before your master, waiting for his command, his wish, or his desire. I don't see it as being overly attached. I do feel devoted. But it doesn't mean I can't be the independent woman I was before. That woman is still inside. She comes out when she plays with my pets. She comes out when I am domme  She is still there, ready and willing, to get off her knees. But for now, I'll keep her calm and quiet. Because things are just fine the way that they are.

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