My Master's Pet
My Master's Pet

Just waking up from a deep one I'm able to remember. Before going under for my master this evening, and very early in the day before it was morning, master came to see me. We hadn't talked since he's been home. And not even really when he talked to me on the phone on Thursday night. Because Thursday night was purely training, and not talking. I had much I wanted to talk with him about that night but it would have to wait. He trained me that whole evening.After the training was over, I still had much discord in my mind. I was restless.And felt that way since then. Until early this morning. As master talked, he expressed that he realized how this "slave" thing was making me unhappy, and that we would talk about later at night. So night came, and we spoke. Master finally listening was comforting. Knowing he heard me out, and actually listened and contemplated what I was wanting, felt really good. He cared. I had for days felt it was going in a bad direction. He turned that around tonight as he took me under. I slipped so very deep, probably because my mind could stop worrying and finally relax. It felt the feeling of deep trance turn into what felt like "deeply controlled". Master wasn't fully aware that his trance had me in that transfixed sensation. I really felt the need to obey. But not because he was commanding me to feel it. Not because he was suggesting it in trance. It was there. Maybe because he was being the master he used to be to me, that I felt that obedience come back again. Could be. Can't be sure. I've been reaching deeper states of trance that make me feel a bit trapped in my mind and so controllable. So maybe it's not Master who made me feel that way. Either way, it's what I felt. I woke up feeling my head was still asleep, but feeling good all over. Felt even better knowing I was my master's pet again. Thank you Master for taking care of your Pet..
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