I wanted to take a moment to write about someone very close to me. Someone I'm very fond of. She has been a good friend of mines from the moment that we met. At the time, she was just an acquaintance, a friend of my Master. He introduced me to her. She was just so warm and friendly. I reciprocated her friendliness. However, I'll admit I had some reservations. I had just started to develop strong feelings for my master. I was his favorite toy, his one and only property. His one and only pet.
Any reservations I had for this young lady, soon melted quickly. It is hard to not like this girl. She has always been so forward and friendly. She reminded me of myself. Sharing and caring. Being so open and honest. Brute honesty. And a "to hell with it" attitude.
I used to feel somewhat unique to those around me. Like I was special. Like you won't find another girl like me. I used to think like that. And that's even with the fact I have a twin sister in my real life. Meeting this girl, I soon found she some what matched my personality. We often thought alike. I met her soon after meeting Master back in August. Over time, I've grown very fond and close to her. She soon became a close friend and confidant to me. But now she's more a sister than a friend.
That's why I now welcome her with open arms as my master's new pet and property. My master has taken her to be his. My new slave sister assures me I'm still his main lady. She sweetly reminds me of it. It's not an issue. I'm happy to have her as my slave sister. For a while, I've always wanted her to be. I can't think of anyone better to feel good about master owning aside from me, than this girl. It's almost like master gave me a present. I'm grateful to him, for choosing someone who I could accept as another pet. I even told him the last time I spoke to him, "thank you master". He's made me happy with his decision to add her as his second pet. However, my slave sister, insists she is no pet. She firmly declares that she is a SLAVE. That's fine with me. I'm happy being my master's pet, and her his slave. But master had to go mix things up, just before leaving on his trip. I'm sure master will address mine and her concerns when he gets back. While he's gone, my new slave sister has kept me company.
I am lucky to know her, and grateful that I can call her both my sister and my friend.
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